Chicago Police Department is investigating a shooting in the city’s downtown area that left an adult man injured Friday evening.

The incident happened in the 0-100 block of East Huron Street on the Near North Side at approximately 7:02 p.m., the department said. The incident was involving two cars, which police said exchanged gunfires, striking a ma, 31, to the leg and back. The man was dripped off at the Stroger Hospital by a second man before police arrival.

Police identified the man who dropped the victim off as the driver of the vehicle involved in the shooting. The unidentified driver fled after dropping the 33-year-old man at the hospital. The injured man was listed in a critical condition on arrival to the hospital.

Chicago Police say they are looking into surveillance footage and nearby cameras to gather information to assist with the investigations. About ten to fifteen shots were heard fired at the scene. No arrest has been made in this incident.

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